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Fears & Phobias

Psychotherapy and or Hypnotherapy is often used for the treatment or reduction of fears and phobias.


  Fear can be felt at various levels from mild to severe and phobia is when a fear has developed to an extreme psychological and physical response, sometimes where a person becomes out of control in a situaiton.   


Filling the Shopping Basket

Some of the common fears and phobias I have worked with include fear of:

Cats, Dogs, Bugs,

 Thunder Storms, Bridges, Shops and shopping Centres,

Driving, Flying, Lifts,

Injections, Blood tests, Innoculations, Blood, Vomit, 

Public Speaking, Crowds, Bridges, the Dark, Leaving the house, Walking down a Stress, Sex & Performance Anxiety.

Other common fears include:

Deep Water, Heights, Small Spaces, Open Spaces, Death & Illness.


Working to reduce or eliminate a phobia can involve  Psychotherapy, hynosis but also might invole exercises or activities out in the community during sessions, if appropriate.


*Please note, although I have worked this way before, due to the time needed, I cannot attend your home to do sessions if you are struggling to leave the house.



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